Part of the rig owned by Ned Brown
2005 Canada Goose
Preening White-fronted Goose 1989 carved from a single block
Rob, and Rose, with Peja at Burroughs Ranch, 2005
Decorative Lifesize Kingfisher 1990
Full-Bodied Mallard Pair, Hollow Redwood
Mallard Pair in use at near the Salton Sea
Rig of E.R.Sieminski
Canada and White-fronted Goose Carved for Gray Hills
Photo taken in front of the "Ark" near Colusa
2003 Best-In-Show Sacramento
Field Decoys (hen turkey), and Traditional Hunting Decoys (ringnecks)
(Hunting rig of E. Richard Sieminski)
Cackling Canada Goose Decorative (ca. 1989)
"Dottie" in Alberta with silhouettes made in 1992
Shorebird Decoys 1991
Decorative Lifesize Mourning Doves 1992
White-Fronted Goose Decoy 1993
"Bluebird" hunting day in the Rice with Peja
Painting contest (winner) at PFDA Sacramento
2 hours worth of painting at PFDA Sacramento