Part of the rig owned by Ned Brown 
2005 Canada Goose |

Preening White-fronted Goose 1989 carved from a single block |
Rob, and Rose, with Peja at Burroughs Ranch, 2005 

Decorative Lifesize Kingfisher 1990 |
Full-Bodied Mallard Pair, Hollow Redwood 

Mallard Pair in use at near the Salton Sea Rig of E.R.Sieminski |
Canada and White-fronted Goose Carved for Gray Hills Photo taken in front of the "Ark" near Colusa 
2003 Best-In-Show Sacramento Field Decoys (hen turkey), and Traditional Hunting Decoys (ringnecks) (Hunting rig of E. Richard Sieminski) 

Cackling Canada Goose Decorative (ca. 1989) |
"Dottie" in Alberta with silhouettes made in 1992 |
 Shorebird Decoys 1991 |
 Decorative Lifesize Mourning Doves 1992 |
 White-Fronted Goose Decoy 1993 
"Bluebird" hunting day in the Rice with Peja 
Painting contest (winner) at PFDA Sacramento 

2 hours worth of painting at PFDA Sacramento |